Saturday, 30 December 2006

Common Traits of Successful Relationships

All great relationships are built on a solid foundation of friendship. This applies to any meaningful relationship, whether it be with your spouse, child, parent, friend or business associate. Lasting and Successful relationships are not difficult to attain if we can emulate the following traits:

Honesty. This trait has always been there & always will. It is crucial to be honest in our relationship right from the start.

Trust. Honesty will gain trust. This again is important if we want to be that someone who can be relied on for anything.

Respect. We all want to be respected. This can only be earned through our actions and deeds.

Communication. Having an open line of communication is essential in any relationship. With technology such as e-mail and SMS (Short Messaging Service), there is no excuse for not keeping in touch.

Listening. The art of listening can establish stronger relationships. Be empathetic and understanding.

Showing Appreciation. Say "Thank you" as often as required. Send a note, and e-mail or SMS. A simple gesture like that can mean a lot for the recipient.

Admitting Your Mistake. Saying "I'm sorry" or "I was wrong" makes us the bigger person.

Laughter. Adding humor and laughter to all our relationships will build a bond of happiness.

Kindness. Go that Extra mile! Acts of kindness are never wasted.

Forgiveness. Remember, Everyday is a New Day. Do not hold grudges for things that have happened in the past, instead, focus on the Future.

All relationships need time to grow & flourish, it is up to us to decide how high we want them to grow. Time spent building relationships should not be considered a sacrifice. It is an investment that rewards us with lasting friendships, which money cannot buy.